British Airways horror as ‘drunk’ British woman dragged off plane after biting Spanish cop

Tyler Mitchell By Tyler Mitchell Jun4,2024

A British tourist was arrested for allegedly biting a Spanish police officer during an altercation on a British Airways flight at Lanzarote Airport. The incident occurred last night around 9.45pm, just before the plane was set to depart for London Gatwick, according to local reports. 

The flight crew had called for police assistance due to “troublesome female passengers” who were visibly intoxicated and behaving aggressively.

When Guardia Civil officers arrived, they found two women causing a disturbance, according to reports. 

According to the Canarian Weekly, one of the women left the plane grudgingly, causing a scene as she exited. The other, however, allegedly refused to leave, insisting she had paid for her ticket and would not be removed.

The situation escalated, forcing the crew to clear passengers from the first ten rows to manage the unruly woman seated in row nine.

The woman reportedly became violent, grabbing and biting an officer on his right forearm. The struggle resulted in multiple injuries to the officers, including bites, scratches, kicks, and punches, local media reports. 

Eventually, the woman was subdued, arrested, and taken into custody, where she later appeared before judicial authorities.

In response to the incident, the Civil Guards’ union expressed support for the involved officers and highlighted the growing issue of violence against law enforcement.

The union called on the Interior Ministry to classify their duties as “risky” and to provide the force with electric stun guns for better protection.

This incident happened as Spanish holiday spots, like the Balearic Islands, crack down on rowdy British tourists.

Lanzarote’s president noted the island’s reliance on British visitors but assured they are always welcome despite worries about overcrowding.

Tyler Mitchell

By Tyler Mitchell

Tyler is a renowned journalist with years of experience covering a wide range of topics including politics, entertainment, and technology. His insightful analysis and compelling storytelling have made him a trusted source for breaking news and expert commentary.

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