MIT and Harvard Scientists Say Global Warming Causes More CO2, Not the Opposite

Tyler Mitchell By Tyler Mitchell Oct9,2024 #finance

What’s the cause and what’s the effect of more CO2? Is the issue settled?

Here is an interesting Video Link on Global Warming from last year that just came my way.

Reputable scientists at Harvard and MIT challenge the notion that Carbon Dioxide causes global warming,

They look at ice samples, the same ones Al Gore used to justify his theories and claim Gore has everything backward. All the ice core samples show the same thing.

I gave the above video link to a friend of mine who offered these reasonable thoughts.

I did some reading and it seems that the conclusion that temperature leads CO2 is in dispute. (Logically, if one proves CO2 always follows temperature, there could be no dispute.). Opponents indicate that more CO2 certainly is created by higher temperature — indeed, that’s part of their feedback loop argument. They agree that drops in temperature are historically unrelated to CO2 concentrations, but that CO2 once increased drives the temperature up.

This looks like a high level scientific disagreement, well beyond my competence.

In my research, there’s another wrinkle.  No one disputes that, prior to the industrial age, temperature preceded CO2 .  So, Al Gore’s graphs really were all screwed up.  But advocates of the CO2 increases temperature theory point to data post-industrial age, where CO2 levels seem to begin to precede temperature rises.  This is where the scientific disagreement lies.  Obviously, none of us is qualified to assess the scientific papers assessing this relationship.

But I don’t remember seeing a refutation of this point in the interesting video that Mish circulated.  The point about a reduction in temperature after WWII is actually used by climate change advocates.  WWII largely destroyed the productive capacity of Europe and Japan, then the pre-war bulk of world industrial production.  Once that ramped up, temperature began to rise very quickly.  Or at least that’s the point they make.

Anyway, this is indeed fascinating.  It would be wonderful to have a real debate.

Al Gore and the climate crowd do not want a reasonable debate.

This is just what happened with the Covid panic shutdowns and vaccination of kids totally not at any risk.

Real or not, and to what extent, my baseline scenario remains the same: Government will not do anything sensible about it.

Al Gore, AOC, and others want to spend over $100 trillion on this.

AOC’s Green New Deal Pricetag

In 2019, I commented AOC’s Green New Deal Pricetag of $51 to $93 Trillion vs. Cost of Doing Nothing

Since then, the price has gone up.

Last year, I commented Don’t Worry, It Will Only Cost $131 Trillion to Address Climate Change

Let’s just say, that won’t happen.

Why It Won’t Happen

Please Consider an Absolutely Brilliant Speech by British Satirist, Konstantine Kisin

Is Kisin’s Video For You?

  • If you think that you, president Biden, Gretta, Al Gore, or anyone in government will do anything that matters about climate change, the video is for you.
  • If you think that you, president Biden, Gretta, Al Gore, or anyone in government will not do anything that matters about climate change, the video is also for you.

The video is less than seven minutes long. Please play it.

Then if you are still worried about hurricanes, fires, mudslides and everything else that has been happening for hundreds of thousands of years, I have a suggestion:

Don’t live in areas prone to hurricanes, fires, or mudslides because nothing will be done about any of this in our lifetimes, even if it is theoretically possible.

And if you still insist on doing “your part”, the number one thing you can do is not exactly practical.

The number two thing you can do is practical. Don’t have kids. That’s followed by no car, no travel, no air conditioning, and in general, no things.

But I am with Kisin. If there is a problem, government mandates won’t fix it. Look no further than Biden’s solar panel bankruptcies, wind turbine fiascos, and Ford and GM running away from EVs.

There would be more hybrids on the roads and more solar panels installed if this administration had done nothing at all.

Tyler Mitchell

By Tyler Mitchell

Tyler is a renowned journalist with years of experience covering a wide range of topics including politics, entertainment, and technology. His insightful analysis and compelling storytelling have made him a trusted source for breaking news and expert commentary.

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