Horrifying 11.9ft-long ‘problem’ crocodile turned into a meal after ‘lunging at children’

Tyler Mitchell By Tyler Mitchell Jun4,2024

An 11.9-foot-long crocodile who had been terrorising the local community ended up becoming the residents’ meal.

The animal had been “stalking and lunging out of the water at children and adults” since it “moved into” the River Baines in the Australian town of Bulla, in the Northern Territory state, after floods that happened earlier this year, according to emergency services.

The “problem” crocodile, as it was described by Australian police, didn’t kill any resident, but took “multiple community dogs”.

Residents agreed with emergency services to put an end to the significant threat posed by the crocodile and have it killed.

After the dangerous crocodile was shot, police took it into Bulla, where the “community prepared it for a feast in the traditional manner”, police said.

Remote sergeant Andrew McBride shared how the town decided to feast on the animal, as he told ABC News it was placed “on the barbecue” and “cooked up into crocodile tail soup”, with a few pieces also “wrapped in banana leaves and cooked underground”.

Sergeant McBride added: “It was a rather large traditional feast and there were a few full bellies.”

The major floods recorded this year in the western area of the state led many crocodiles to relocate “into random places”, at times very close to residential areas, the police officer said.

Commander Kylie Anderson added: “Crocodiles can pose a significant risk to community safety.

“Thanks to the seamless collaboration between Parks and Wildlife, our remote police staff and local residents, we were able to safely remove the large saltie and maintain the safety of the community.

“There’s never a dull moment in remote policing.”

Tyler Mitchell

By Tyler Mitchell

Tyler is a renowned journalist with years of experience covering a wide range of topics including politics, entertainment, and technology. His insightful analysis and compelling storytelling have made him a trusted source for breaking news and expert commentary.

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