The unbelievable £12.3m two-tiered structure that is the world’s longest bridge fountain

Tyler Mitchell By Tyler Mitchell Jun4,2024

The two-tired bridge also features the Moonlight Rainbow Fountain, the world’s longest bridge fountain recognised by the Guinness Book of World Records.

The Banpo Bridge is one of the major bridges in South Korea’s capital, Seoul, and is the first double decker bridge in the country. It is situated over the Han River and connects two neighbourhoods, Seocho-dong with Yongsan.

Designed by South Korean architect, Kang-Tae-wook, construction began in 1980 and was completed just over two years later, costing 22,000,000,000W, or about £12.3 million. The bridge was declared a Cultural Heritage Site by the Korean government. 

The bridge has two levels, the upper level for vehicle traffic and the lower – the Jamsu Bridge, completed in 1976 – for pedestrians. During periods of high rainfall, the lower level is designed to submerge as water levels rise. In the past decade, this has occurred every year. 

The bridge was designed and built after redevelopment studies showed the value of urban waterfront space as a renewal project, aimed at improving tourism. 

The Moonlight Rainbow Fountain, installed in September 2008, operates from April to October, putting on 10-15-minute shows four or five times a day. With 380 water jets projecting an spectacular display of multicoloured lights, the fountain is dynamic and can move in time to music, making it a tourist magnet.

Using ultramodern technology, the water projects images such as cultural symbols and landmarks onto the water screen with 10,000 LED lights and shoots 190 tonnes of water per minute to a distance of 43 metres horizontally. 

The fountain also highlights the capital’s eco-friendliness, as the water is pumped directly from the river and is continuously recycled. 

In addition, Banpo Hangang Park hosts the “Moonlight Square Cultural Weekend” event every Saturday evening from May to October, featuring a variety of musical styles including classical music with commentary, acappella and orchestras. In May, the “Ddubuk Ddubuk Festival” takes place, where you can enjoy food trucks, beanbag chairs and a small library. 

Tyler Mitchell

By Tyler Mitchell

Tyler is a renowned journalist with years of experience covering a wide range of topics including politics, entertainment, and technology. His insightful analysis and compelling storytelling have made him a trusted source for breaking news and expert commentary.

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One thought on “The unbelievable £12.3m two-tiered structure that is the world’s longest bridge fountain”
  1. In my opinion, the Banpo Bridge in Seoul is not just a transportation structure; it’s a mesmerizing work of art that beautifully blends architecture and technology. The Moonlight Rainbow Fountain adds a magical touch to the experience, making it a must-visit attraction for tourists. The innovative design of the bridge, with its two tiers and the ability of the lower level to submerge during heavy rainfall, showcases thoughtful urban planning and engineering. Overall, this bridge is a true masterpiece that showcases the beauty of South Korea’s capital.

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