Illegal Immigrants Refuse to Leave Encampment Unless Mayor Agrees to 13 Demands

Tyler Mitchell By Tyler Mitchell Jun7,2024 #finance

There is one and only one way to handle this. Arrest them and deport them, immediately.

The Daily Wire reports Illegal Immigrants Refuse to Leave Encampment Unless Mayor Agrees to List of Demands

A group of illegal immigrants in Denver is refusing to relocate from a tent encampment to shelters unless Democratic Mayor Mike Johnston agrees to their list of 13 demands.

They are currently living in tents under a bridge and near train tracks as the Denver Human Services Department attempts to get them into city-funded migrant shelters, Fox 31 reported. The illegal immigrants, however, want the city to agree to numerous provisions for migrants staying in shelters, including allowing them to cook their own meals with “culturally appropriate ingredients provided by the City” and giving them free consultations with an immigration lawyer.

“[T]he City will provide on-going legal support in the form of immigration document clinics & including transportation to relevant court dates,” the list of demands states.

List of Demands

  1. Migrants will cook their own food with fresh, culturally appropriate ingredients provided by the City instead of premade meals – rice, chicken, flour, oil, butter, tomatoes, onions, etc… Also people will not be punished for bringing in & eating outside food.
  2. Shower access will be available without time limits & can be accessed whenever – we are not in the military, we’re civilians.
  3. Medical professional visits will happen regularly & referrals/connections for specialty care will be made as needed.
  4. All will receive the same housing support that has been offered to others. They cannot kick people out in 30 days without something stable established.
  5. There needs to be a clear, just process before exiting someone for any reason – including verbal, written & final warnings.
  6. All shelter residents will receive connection to employment support, including work permit applications for those who qualify.
  7. Consultations for each person/family with a free immigration lawyer must be arranged to discuss/progress their cases, & then the City will provide on-going legal support in the form of immigration document clinics & including transportation to relevant court dates.
  8. The City will provide privacy for families/individuals within the shelter.
  9. No more verbal or physical or mental abuse will be permitted from the staff, including no sheriff sleeping inside & monitoring 24/7 – we are not criminals & won’t be treated as such.
  10. Transportation for all children to & from their schools will be provided until they finish in 3 weeks.
  11. No separating families, regardless of if family members have children or not. The camp will stay together.
  12. The City must schedule a meeting with the Mayor & those directly involved in running the Newcomer program ASAP to discuss further improvements & ways to support migrants.
  13. The City must provide all residents with a document signed by a City official in English & Spanish with all of these demands that includes a number to call to report mistreatment.

Zero Tolerance

Who the hell do these people think they are, illegally breaking into the US and making demands?

With no warning, I would announce zero tolerance for immigrants breaking further laws and making demands when they should not be here in the first place.

I would make an example out of them right here, right now, by arresting them and deporting them.

Word would spread in a day. And this would not happen again.

Denver Health at “Critical Point” as 8,000 Migrants Make 20,000 Emergency Visits

On January 24, I noted Denver Health at “Critical Point” as 8,000 Migrants Make 20,000 Emergency Visits

The Denver hospital system is turning away local residents because it is flooded with migrant visits.

If I lived in Denver, I would be seeking to recall the Mayor.

And if I was the governor of Texas looking for a place to bus migrants, Denver looks like a great target.

Bear in mind, I am not a radical at all. I think we need an honest discussion of good immigration policy.

Why Is a Sensible Immigration Policy Discussion So Hard?

O April 24, I asked Why Is a Sensible Immigration Policy Discussion So Hard?

Why is the choice between shutting down the border and no controls at all? And what about demographics? Fertility rates?

Progressive Irony

Progressives want open borders but they also want guaranteed living wages, clean energy, slave reparations, a right to shelter, a right to free health care, and net zero carbon.

The goals are incompatible.

Meanwhile, I have seriously had enough of this. Immediately deport any illegal immigrants further breaking laws, making demands, or protesting.

Zero Tolerance! Send a clear message, now.

Tyler Mitchell

By Tyler Mitchell

Tyler is a renowned journalist with years of experience covering a wide range of topics including politics, entertainment, and technology. His insightful analysis and compelling storytelling have made him a trusted source for breaking news and expert commentary.

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8 thoughts on “Illegal Immigrants Refuse to Leave Encampment Unless Mayor Agrees to 13 Demands”
  1. There is one and only one way to handle this. They should be arrested and deported immediately. Illegal immigrants refusing to leave unless their demands are met sets a dangerous precedent. The law must be upheld.

  2. Illegal immigrants should be arrested and deported immediately. It’s the only way to handle this situation effectively. The demands they are making are unreasonable and unjustified. The city should prioritize the well-being of its citizens and uphold the law.

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